How software managers use Teamscale

Teamscale enables you and your team to analyze, monitor, and improve the quality of your software.

Problem solving

We know the problems

Complaints about technical debt Unclear quality status Large and complex systems Reappearing defects Complaints about technical debt Unclear quality status Large and complex systems Reappearing defects Complaints about technical debt Unclear quality status Complaints about technical debt Unclear quality status Large and complex systems Reappearing defects Complaints about technical debt Unclear quality status Large and complex systems Reappearing defects Complaints about technical debt Unclear quality status Complaints about technical debt Unclear quality status Large and complex systems Reappearing defects Complaints about technical debt Unclear quality status Large and complex systems Reappearing defects Complaints about technical debt Unclear quality status Complaints about technical debt Unclear quality status Large and complex systems Reappearing defects Complaints about technical debt Unclear quality status Large and complex systems Reappearing defects Complaints about technical debt Unclear quality status
Lack of test strategy Legacy systems Important changes depend on one person Shipping features takes forever Lack of test strategy Legacy systems Important changes depend on one person Shipping features takes forever Lack of test strategy Legacy systems Lack of test strategy Legacy systems Important changes depend on one person Shipping features takes forever Lack of test strategy Legacy systems Important changes depend on one person Shipping features takes forever Lack of test strategy Legacy systems Lack of test strategy Legacy systems Important changes depend on one person Shipping features takes forever Lack of test strategy Legacy systems Important changes depend on one person Shipping features takes forever Lack of test strategy Legacy systems Lack of test strategy Legacy systems Important changes depend on one person Shipping features takes forever Lack of test strategy Legacy systems Important changes depend on one person Shipping features takes forever Lack of test strategy Legacy systems
Risky technology stack Performance issues Unmonitored quality feedback Risky technology stack Performance issues Unmonitored quality feedback Risky technology stack Performance issues Unmonitored quality feedback Risky technology stack Risky technology stack Performance issues Unmonitored quality feedback Risky technology stack Performance issues Unmonitored quality feedback Risky technology stack Performance issues Unmonitored quality feedback Risky technology stack Risky technology stack Performance issues Unmonitored quality feedback Risky technology stack Performance issues Unmonitored quality feedback Risky technology stack Performance issues Unmonitored quality feedback Risky technology stack Risky technology stack Performance issues Unmonitored quality feedback Risky technology stack Performance issues Unmonitored quality feedback Risky technology stack Performance issues Unmonitored quality feedback Risky technology stack

We have a solution

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Higher Code Quality

You can’t manage what you don’t measure

Have Teamscale check your entire codebase for all the different kinds of quality issues, in any mix of programming languages, and aggregate the findings into metrics that allow you effectively steers quality trends.

Set a goal and a path

Decide about your quality goal and establish an explicit process that helps your team get there, one step at a time, guided by Teamscale.

Care for trends

Quality is a continuous endeavor. Ensure that you drive in the right general direction and raise the bar with every step you take, with Teamscale at your side!

Architecture Analysis

Architecture Analysis

Ensure architecture conformance

Model the intended architecture using lightweight box and arrow diagrams. Then map your code to the architecture components, to have Teamscale check whether the code is actually compliant.

Inspect individual components

Acknowledge that not all code is the same to everyone! Inspect, monitor and improve the quality of individual architecture components just like the entire system in Teamscale!

Prevent architecture erosion

Stop involuntary architecture violations, e.g., by a new team member who is still getting up to speed. Everyone appreciates a safety net.

Spot third-party dependencies

Have clarity about which third-party libraries and frameworks your system builds on, how heavily you depend on them and how easy it would be to replace any of them.

test pyramid

Test Quality

Aim for a test pyramid

Visualize how close you are to an ideal test pyramid, with a large body of fast unit tests and increasingly smaller layers of higher-level tests. Teamscale recognizes tests in your code and ingests others from your test management tool, to give you the big picture.

Improve test coverage

Capture code coverage at arbitrary precision (e.g., line, branch or MC/DC coverage), aggregate it to architecture components or system level, and analyze trends. Furthermore, use Teamscale’s Test Gap Analysis to avoid inadvertently untested changes.

Speed up test cycles

Find many defects earlier and safeguard more expensive test stages with quick-but-effective smoke tests, using Teamscale’s Test Selection.

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Requirements Quality

Require precise language

Prevent ambiguous language and vague expressions in your requirements that lead to undesired friction down the road, by letting Teamscale analyze your requirements specifications.

Ensure structural integrity

Specifications of complex systems contain thousands of components, requirements, use-cases and other items. These items need to follow a certain structure so that stakeholders understand what goes where. Prevent dangling requirements or missing acceptance criteria with Teamscale, to ensure the integrity of the  structure in your requirements management tools.

Monitor the verification status

Keep an eye on which tests verify which requirements through Teamscale. Easily keep track of test results from all test stages. And know the test status of every version of your software.


Process Quality

Enforce your Definition of Done

Your Definition of Done likely contains several quality gates, such as “new and modified code must adhere to the coding guidelines” or “all changes must have been tested”. Teamscale annotates whether such requirements are fulfilled into your issue tracker or merge request, to ensure they are lived up to.

Identify bottlenecks

Use Teamscale to easily query for issues that have been, for example, “in review for over six weeks”, to identify and analyze bottlenecks in your development process.

Analyze impact

Inspect the changes that happened in the context of arbitrary sets of issues to find out, for example, which parts of your system contain most bug fixes, to drive architecture decisions and test strategy by data.


How Teamscale supports software managers

Teamscale is more than just a code checker, it is a Software Intelligence platform.

Fully customizable dashboards provide a quick overview of important quality metrics and trends to anyone.


Grasp complex analysis results quickly, thanks to Teamscale’s intuitive and powerful visualization.

Drill down

Dig deeper at any time, to learn more about the root causes of analysis results, metrics or trends.


Use Teamscale’s reporting framework, to quickly assemble a slide deck with all the important information, using all the visualizations you learned to love.

Workflow integration

Deliver quality feedback straight to where your people work: in their IDE, the issue tracker or the merge request, to help them improve quality without even changing their workflows.

Fast and Actionable
Quality feedback

Provide immediate and actionable feedback, so your people can uphold or even improve quality with every step they take.

Quality at a Glance
Trusted by the best teams
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  • With SaaS or on-premises

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Dr. Tobias Röhm • Dr. Sven Amann • Tobias Wiese • 2024
Dr. Elmar Jürgens • Jakob Rott • 2024
Fabian Streitel • Nadezhda Tonchev • 2024
Dr. Florian Deißenböck • Dr. Nils Göde • 2024
Mattis Kämmerer • Dr. Sven Amann • 2024
Dr. Elmar Jürgens • 2024