Bayerische Beteiligungsgesellschaft
Software Audit
Through its investments, BayBG is currently strengthening the capital base of 500 Bavarian medium-sized businesses. The BayBG is thus the Bavarian market leader among medium-sized enterprise-oriented investment companies. BayBG enables the companies to realize expansion and innovation plans, make corporate succession plans as well as optimize the capital structure and implementation of turn.around measures.
Regularly, BayBG invests in young and innovative software start-ups. As due diligences is a prerequisites for the investment, BayBG puts the spotlight also on software quality and software future proofness.

To make an investment decision, we conduct the software due diligence (SDD) for BayBG. The SDD aims to identify risks in the underlying software product in terms of its future proofness in very short time. A software due diligenece differs from a complete software audit as it comprises only a »red flag analysis«.
Many of the software products are medium-sized applications with a diverse technology stack. They often comprise languags from Java and C# to Ruby and PHP. As database systems, both relational databases as well as different forms of NoSQL databases play an important role.

BayBG receives fast but yet reliable feedback towards their investment decision. The feedback contains a risk assessment for the software product's future proofness. Thereby, the SDD covers areas such as code quality, technolgoy stack, software architecture, development processes as well as level of investment. It simply creates transparency about the often not visible inner software quality of the product.
For its investment decision, BayBG can rely on the results of the software due diligence and, if necessary, use the provided recommendations as requirements for the investment contract.

What we did at BayBG
The code analysis considers well-accepted quality criteria. It is based on automated analysis using Teamscale, which supports analysis of nearly all programming languages. Our experienced auditors validate the results.
Our experienced auditors contribute manual analyses of criteria not coverable by tools, e.g., the quality of comments in the code, and complement automated analyses by an in-depth review of selected source code files.
Together with the development team, we identify and discuss the components of the system and dependencies between them. We also cover deployment aspects and interaction with other systems, as well as properties like scalability, security and performance.
Together with you, we select relevant changes that are likely to be done to your system. We discuss with the development team the impact of these changes and how well they are supported by the architecture.
Software systems typically rely on a large technology stack including programming languages, databases, frameworks, and libraries. We analyze the relevant technologies for associated risks, based on standardized criteria.
Teamscale offers you instant feedback on changes in your code's quality. For every commit, discover its impact on the system's quality.
Teamscale offers you instant feedback on changes in your code's quality. For every commit, discover its impact on the system's quality.
What our customers say
Our customers care about the quality of their software.
Teamscale makes a valuable contribution to our weekly architecture gardening by uncovering deviations between our target architecture and the actual state, as well as by facilitating discussions.
Teamscale makes a valuable contribution to our weekly architecture gardening by uncovering deviations between our target architecture and the actual state, as well as by facilitating discussions.
Teamscale makes a valuable contribution to our weekly architecture gardening by uncovering deviations between our target architecture and the actual state, as well as by facilitating discussions.
Over 120+ software systems already benefited from an audit by us