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Dr. Daniela Steidl
… was consultant for software quality at CQSE GmbH.

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Dr. Daniela Steidl
The Art of Code Discrimination
In many software development projects, code metrics are used to grasp the concept of technical ...

Dr. Daniela Steidl
Help -- My System Is Being Audited!
It’s not that normal pressure wouldn’t be enough. Your next release is already delayed. There are ...

Software Intelligence Workshop 2016
Am 27. Oktober 2016 fand der erste CQSE Software Intelligence Workshop statt. Hauptbestandteil des ...

Dr. Daniela Steidl
"I will clean up later" - No, you won't.
Often, time pressure forces you to quickly write dirty code. You do not choose the most elegant ...

Dr. Daniela Steidl
Does Quality Control Really Make Your Code Better?
The recent blog post ‘Improving Software Quality’ by my colleague Martin showed how we can improve ...

Dr. Daniela Steidl
Video Summary of Teamscale's Core Features
Teamscale is our tool for continuous software quality control. It provides feedback about quality ...

Dr. Daniela Steidl
Where should I start to clean up my code?
How many of you know the feeling, when an incoming change request forces you to dig into code you ...

Dr. Daniela Steidl
How we can learn from history...
As quality consultants, we mainly work together with our customers, but we are also actively ...
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