Code Analysis
Teamscale’s incremental analysis provides you with personal feedback on the quality of your changes immediately after your commit or already in your IDE.

Get feedback how you deserve it

For sustainable software quality

Wait time

Code Quality Feedback

Fast and global results
No more waiting for the build to finish. Or getting results for only editor-local analyses in your IDE. Teamscale’s Incremental Analysis considers your entire codebase (even parts you haven’t checked out) and gives you results within seconds.
Personal feedback

Teamscale analyzes your changes and even cleanly separates new findings from those that have been there before. Cleanup your work first, then decide whether to leave the campground even cleaner.

Precise tracking

Teamscale tracks findings across changes, such as refactorings. When you flag a finding as tolerated or false positive, it stays that way.

Findings Churn-2

Analyzing Version Control

Every commit

Teamscale connects to your version control system, e.g., Git or Subversion, and analyzes every single commit. This is how it reliably tells apart your changes from those done by others. And how it precisely tracks analysis findings through changes, such as refactorings.

Every branch

Teamscale also analyzes every branch in your version control system, no matter how short lived, or whether there’s a CI build for it.


Where You Work

Your IDE

Teamscale integrates into your IDE, to give you feedback directly where you work. When you work.

Your merge request

Teamscale integrates with GitLab, GitHub, BitBucker and Azure DevOps, to inject quality feedback directly into your Merge Request (or Pull Request), like a human reviewer would!

Your issue tracker

Teamscale integrates with your issue tracker, to summarize quality feedback directly on the issue you’re working on. 


Boost Other Analysis Tools


Teamscale comes with its own checks, which are all incremental. On top, it carries some external tools, such as SonarLint or ESLint, under the hood, enriching their checks with all the bliss of incremental analysis.

Integrate by results

Upload results from other static-analysis tools right into Teamscale, to maintain them all in the same way and layer all the perks on top, such as personal feedback and findings tracking. 


Experience Better Feedback

Fast & personal feedback

Get feedback while you work, where you work. Deliver clean code and even leave the campground cleaner than you found it. All without ever leaving your favorite tools.

Precise tracking

Always know what you did and what happened before you came along. And rest assured that if you flag a finding as tolerated or false positive, it stays that way.

Quality analysis

Teamscale points you to quality defects that are easily missed: Clone Detection reveals redundancy in your code, Architecture Conformance analysis detects unwanted dependencies, and Bug Pattern Search finds potential programming errors.

tool and process


Everything you need to know about Teamscale’s incremental analysis. Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please contact our friendly team.

What does “incremental analysis” mean?
Incremental analysis means that Teamscale analyzes commit by commit, as opposed to, for example, running as batch tool and analyzing the whole system again and again. Amongst other things, this means that Teamscale can
  • give feedback after almost in realtime after a commit was made,
  • distinguish between old and new findings, and
  • can display freely selectable trends.
Where does the analysis happen?

All analyses are performed on the Teamscale server. This means that, for example, there is no slowdown of your build, and that the analysis settings are independent from local IDE settings.

Does the analysis need compiled binaries?

No. Teamscale analyzes the source code directly and thus doesn't have to wait for a build to happen.

How fast do I get feedback after a commit?

After a commit was pushed to the repository, a typical analysis takes only a couple of seconds. For large commits like merges, it might also take a couple of minutes, but usually not longer than 5 minutes.

Does Teamscale only analyze the changed files per commit?

While most of the analysis works on a per-file basis, Teamscale always knows the full system context. This means that, for example, the clone detection will recognize copy-and-pasted code in a new file that was copied from an existing, but untouched file.

Can I choose the start and end date of trends?

Yes. You can freely choose the start and end date for all charts and views.

Experience Exchange

Would you like to exchange experiences on code analysis?

I have worked with (incremental) code analysis for years. In research papers, speaking at industry conferences, talking to developers and project managers, and working with customers who have been using it for years.

Tobias Röhm
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