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To Blacklist or Not to Blacklist
Analysis tools for your source code, like Teamscale and others, produce a list of findings—or...
Rainer Niedermayr
Why we don’t use the Software Maintainability Index
The Software Maintainability Index (MI) is a single-value indicator for the maintainability of a...
Fabian Streitel
»I'll clean up later«—Tasks in Teamscale
Anyone writing code knows that famous sentence: »I’ll clean that up later«. We have all heard it....
Dr. Benjamin Hummel
Save the Semicolon
These days, it seems that a modern programming language is required to not use semicolons at all,...
Dr. Nils Göde
Cool Java 8 Features: To Use or not to Use
Java 8 has brought us a bunch of new language features, among which are Lambda Expressions and the...
Living in the #ifdef Hell
C/C++ programs often use conditional compilation to implement variations of a program. While...
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To Blacklist or Not to Blacklist
Analysis tools for your source code, like Teamscale and others, produce a list of findings—or...
Rainer Niedermayr
Why we don’t use the Software Maintainability Index
The Software Maintainability Index (MI) is a single-value indicator for the maintainability of a...
Fabian Streitel
»I'll clean up later«—Tasks in Teamscale
Anyone writing code knows that famous sentence: »I’ll clean that up later«. We have all heard it....
Dr. Benjamin Hummel
Save the Semicolon
These days, it seems that a modern programming language is required to not use semicolons at all,...
Dr. Nils Göde
Cool Java 8 Features: To Use or not to Use
Java 8 has brought us a bunch of new language features, among which are Lambda Expressions and the...
Living in the #ifdef Hell
C/C++ programs often use conditional compilation to implement variations of a program. While...
To Blacklist or Not to Blacklist
Analysis tools for your source code, like Teamscale and others, produce a list of findings—or...
Rainer Niedermayr
Why we don’t use the Software Maintainability Index
The Software Maintainability Index (MI) is a single-value indicator for the maintainability of a...
Fabian Streitel
»I'll clean up later«—Tasks in Teamscale
Anyone writing code knows that famous sentence: »I’ll clean that up later«. We have all heard it....
Dr. Benjamin Hummel
Save the Semicolon
These days, it seems that a modern programming language is required to not use semicolons at all,...
Dr. Nils Göde
Cool Java 8 Features: To Use or not to Use
Java 8 has brought us a bunch of new language features, among which are Lambda Expressions and the...
Living in the #ifdef Hell
C/C++ programs often use conditional compilation to implement variations of a program. While...