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To Blacklist or Not to Blacklist
To Blacklist or Not to Blacklist
Analysis tools for your source code, like Teamscale and others, produce a list of findings—or ...
Why we don’t use the Software Maintainability Index
Why we don’t use the Software Maintainability Index
The Software Maintainability Index (MI) is a single-value indicator for the maintainability of a ...
»I'll clean up later«—Tasks in Teamscale
»I'll clean up later«—Tasks in Teamscale
Anyone writing code knows that famous sentence: »I’ll clean that up later«. We have all heard it. ...
A new language will not fix your maintainability issues!
A new language will not fix your maintainability issues!
Have you ever run into a »new« or »trending« programming language (Rust, nim, Kotlin, etc.), ...
What can Clone Detection across System Boundaries Reveal about Architectural or Organizational Problems?
What can Clone Detection across System Boundaries Reveal about Architectural or Organizational Problems?
Teams, not individuals, build most software systems. The organization of these teams thus strongly ...
Save the Semicolon
Save the Semicolon
These days, it seems that a modern programming language is required to not use semicolons at all, ...
CIA-Style Software Intelligence
CIA-Style Software Intelligence
Software intelligence has been defined as »offering software practitioners information to support ...
Cool Java 8 Features: To Use or not to Use
Cool Java 8 Features: To Use or not to Use
Java 8 has brought us a bunch of new language features, among which are Lambda Expressions and the ...
Living in the #ifdef Hell
Living in the #ifdef Hell
C/C++ programs often use conditional compilation to implement variations of a program. While ...
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Our Team

To Blacklist or Not to Blacklist
To Blacklist or Not to Blacklist
Analysis tools for your source code, like Teamscale and others, produce a list of findings—or...
Why we don’t use the Software Maintainability Index
Why we don’t use the Software Maintainability Index
The Software Maintainability Index (MI) is a single-value indicator for the maintainability of a...
»I'll clean up later«—Tasks in Teamscale
»I'll clean up later«—Tasks in Teamscale
Anyone writing code knows that famous sentence: »I’ll clean that up later«. We have all heard it....
Save the Semicolon
Save the Semicolon
These days, it seems that a modern programming language is required to not use semicolons at all,...
Cool Java 8 Features: To Use or not to Use
Cool Java 8 Features: To Use or not to Use
Java 8 has brought us a bunch of new language features, among which are Lambda Expressions and the...
Living in the #ifdef Hell
Living in the #ifdef Hell
C/C++ programs often use conditional compilation to implement variations of a program. While...
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To Blacklist or Not to Blacklist
To Blacklist or Not to Blacklist
Analysis tools for your source code, like Teamscale and others, produce a list of findings—or...
Why we don’t use the Software Maintainability Index
Why we don’t use the Software Maintainability Index
The Software Maintainability Index (MI) is a single-value indicator for the maintainability of a...
»I'll clean up later«—Tasks in Teamscale
»I'll clean up later«—Tasks in Teamscale
Anyone writing code knows that famous sentence: »I’ll clean that up later«. We have all heard it....
Save the Semicolon
Save the Semicolon
These days, it seems that a modern programming language is required to not use semicolons at all,...
Cool Java 8 Features: To Use or not to Use
Cool Java 8 Features: To Use or not to Use
Java 8 has brought us a bunch of new language features, among which are Lambda Expressions and the...
Living in the #ifdef Hell
Living in the #ifdef Hell
C/C++ programs often use conditional compilation to implement variations of a program. While...
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