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Dr. Nils Göde
The Beauty of Code Deletion
For me, one of the most appealing quality improvement actions still is the deletion of code. That ...
Dr. Andreas Göb
How Much of Your Code Do You Actually Use?
When talking to customers about improving the quality of their code, one question that always comes ...
We Will Never Change This Code!
In our code audits we primarily focus on issues that affect the maintainability of the code, e.g., ...
Dr. Benjamin Hummel
Getting support for Teamscale made easy
Contacting customer support with a technical issue can feel like you are in a quiz show, with the ...
Dr. Dennis Pagano
Bridge your Test Gaps with Teamscale
Many companies employ sophisticated testing processes, but still bugs find their way into ...
Dr. Benjamin Hummel
Is Technical Debt a Good Metaphor?
The term technical debt is often used to explain the nature of software quality and quality decay: ...
Dr. Tobias Roehm
Man vs. Tool? On the Role of Software Tools and Human Experts in Software Quality Activities
In a recent software quality audit, our static analysis tool Teamscale found that the comment ...
Martin Pöhlmann
Lessons from code reviews in the wild (part 2): Get rid of unnecessary code
One side-effect that I have observed from performing code reviews for years is that the code after ...
Dr. Corneliu Popeea
Static Analysis to Inspect Third-Party Library Usage
At CQSE, we use Teamscale and static analysis for assessment of technology suitability: Get ...
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Dr. Nils Göde
The Beauty of Code Deletion
For me, one of the most appealing quality improvement actions still is the deletion of code. That...
We Will Never Change This Code!
In our code audits we primarily focus on issues that affect the maintainability of the code, e.g.,...
Dr. Benjamin Hummel
Getting support for Teamscale made easy
Contacting customer support with a technical issue can feel like you are in a quiz show, with the...
Dr. Benjamin Hummel
Is Technical Debt a Good Metaphor?
The term technical debt is often used to explain the nature of software quality and quality decay:...
Dr. Tobias Roehm
Man vs. Tool? On the Role of Software Tools and Human Experts in Software Quality Activities
In a recent software quality audit, our static analysis tool Teamscale found that the comment...
Martin Pöhlmann
Lessons from code reviews in the wild (part 2): Get rid of unnecessary code
One side-effect that I have observed from performing code reviews for years is that the code after...
Dr. Nils Göde
The Beauty of Code Deletion
For me, one of the most appealing quality improvement actions still is the deletion of code. That...
We Will Never Change This Code!
In our code audits we primarily focus on issues that affect the maintainability of the code, e.g.,...
Dr. Benjamin Hummel
Getting support for Teamscale made easy
Contacting customer support with a technical issue can feel like you are in a quiz show, with the...
Dr. Benjamin Hummel
Is Technical Debt a Good Metaphor?
The term technical debt is often used to explain the nature of software quality and quality decay:...
Dr. Tobias Roehm
Man vs. Tool? On the Role of Software Tools and Human Experts in Software Quality Activities
In a recent software quality audit, our static analysis tool Teamscale found that the comment...
Martin Pöhlmann
Lessons from code reviews in the wild (part 2): Get rid of unnecessary code
One side-effect that I have observed from performing code reviews for years is that the code after...