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Dr. Martin Feilkas
… is founder and managing partner of CQSE GmbH. He studied Computer Science at the Technische Universität München. He worked as a researcher at the chair for Software & Systems Engineering and led the Competence Center for Embedded Systems. He received a PhD for his work on program comprehension and the analysis of design constraints in software.
Dr. Martin Feilkas
The Evolution of Software Quality Processes and Tools
In this post I discuss the history of software quality analysis approaches and tools that focus on...
Dr. Martin Feilkas
Success Factors for Continuous Integration and Static Analysis
Continuous Integration (CI) is one of the dominating terms when talking about software engineering...
Dr. Martin Feilkas
Controlled Software Outsourcing
It is interesting to see the various organizational settings where software development takes...
Dr. Martin Feilkas
Qualification and Certification of Software Systems: Just Software Bureaucracy?
In many domains software is a highly critical part of the products, especially in automotive and...
Dr. Martin Feilkas
Welcome to the CQSE Blog on Software Quality
During our daily work as consultants for software quality, as auditors of different kinds of...
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