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Thomas Kinnen
Conquering Branch-Based Development with Teamscale
On our mission to support development teams improving their products’ software quality, we strive ...

Dr. Martin Feilkas
Why We Moved to Feature-branch-based Development
My colleague Martin already explained our journey to Git in his blog post. I would like to shed ...

Dr. Nils Göde
The Beauty of Code Deletion
For me, one of the most appealing quality improvement actions still is the deletion of code. That ...

Dr. Benjamin Hummel
Is Technical Debt a Good Metaphor?
The term technical debt is often used to explain the nature of software quality and quality decay: ...

Rainer Niedermayr
Why we don’t use the Software Maintainability Index
The Software Maintainability Index (MI) is a single-value indicator for the maintainability of a ...

Dr. Elmar Jürgens
What can Clone Detection across System Boundaries Reveal about Architectural or Organizational Problems?
Teams, not individuals, build most software systems. The organization of these teams thus strongly ...

Living in the #ifdef Hell
C/C++ programs often use conditional compilation to implement variations of a program. While ...

Dr. Andreas Göb
Identifiers in Source Code: Just Because You Can Doesn’t Mean You Should
As we all know, programmers spend a lot of their time reading code. The paper Concise and ...

Dr. Lars Heinemann
Delta Analysis with Teamscale
If you are controlling software quality in a continuous manner, the absolute values of the quality ...
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Dr. Nils Göde
The Beauty of Code Deletion
For me, one of the most appealing quality improvement actions still is the deletion of code. That...

Dr. Benjamin Hummel
Is Technical Debt a Good Metaphor?
The term technical debt is often used to explain the nature of software quality and quality decay:...

Rainer Niedermayr
Why we don’t use the Software Maintainability Index
The Software Maintainability Index (MI) is a single-value indicator for the maintainability of a...

Living in the #ifdef Hell
C/C++ programs often use conditional compilation to implement variations of a program. While...

Dr. Lars Heinemann
Delta Analysis with Teamscale
If you are controlling software quality in a continuous manner, the absolute values of the quality...

Dr. Nils Göde
The Beauty of Code Deletion
For me, one of the most appealing quality improvement actions still is the deletion of code. That...

Dr. Benjamin Hummel
Is Technical Debt a Good Metaphor?
The term technical debt is often used to explain the nature of software quality and quality decay:...

Rainer Niedermayr
Why we don’t use the Software Maintainability Index
The Software Maintainability Index (MI) is a single-value indicator for the maintainability of a...

Living in the #ifdef Hell
C/C++ programs often use conditional compilation to implement variations of a program. While...

Dr. Lars Heinemann
Delta Analysis with Teamscale
If you are controlling software quality in a continuous manner, the absolute values of the quality...