What to expect?
Teamscale is more than just a code checker, it's a software intelligence platform.
Connect your code
Works with all major platforms, like GitHub, Gitlab and Bitbucket
No restrictions
All Analyses, Features & Integrations
Supercharge your team
Loved by developers, testers and managers alike
As a service
Hosted in the Cloud, reliable and secure
Start your free cloud trial
Ready to revolutionize your code quality analysis?
Experience Teamscale's cutting-edge features firsthand with a free 15 day trial.
Try on your own server
Get your free evaluation license
Full access to all features
Install on-premises
Two months
Unlimited users

Not yet ready to explore on your own?
We’d love to show you around
Get a quick impression of Teamscale and what it can do to help you create high quality code. Our team will show you the features you’re interested in.
Trouble getting started? We are here to help
Our customers love our support because it's all handled in-house by our team of ten, who are all current or former Teamscale developers. This means your support requests go straight to technically knowledgeable staff familiar with every detail.